Rules, Best Practices and Mutual Understandings


The Stable reserves the right to change the “Rules, Good Practices, Mutual Understandings” upon at least 30 days written notice to the Owner. These Rules, Good Practices, Mutual Understandings apply to all persons who board their horse, lease, ride, train or otherwise participate in any activities at the Stable. The Rules, Good Practices, Mutual Understandings supplement the terms and conditions outlined in the Horse Boarding Agreement.

Stable Hours

Summer (April 1 – Sept 30) Daily - 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Winter (Oct 1 – March 31) Mon to Fri - 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Weekends - 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.


All people, including guests, on the property of the Stable must sign and deliver to the Stable, a Liability Waiver PRIOR TO participating in any equestrian activities at the Stable. If you require access to the Stable outside of these hours, please make arrangements with the Stable.

Safety Considerations


All participants are expected to exercise diligence, safety and good horsemanship always. The following is not an exhaustive list of all safety items related to handling a horse or equine activities.

No Owner may intentionally allow their horse to run loose on the Stable property. Loose horses can create hazards for others. Please tend to your horse on a lead line at all times. It is recommended that your horse always be tied with a halter, and using the ties provided. These ties are fitted to a tie ring by way of a breakable string, and the ties include quick release snaps.

If a horse damages the Stable because it is not tied in this fashion, the cost of repairs will be the responsibility of the Owner.

Wear certified, protective headgear when participating in any horseback riding activities on the Stable property. The Owner also agrees to wear suitable footwear in the vicinity of any horse on the property including, but not limited to, shoes with fully closed toes. Please drive slowly and with care when on the Stable property.


Humane Treatment


Cruel, inhumane or abusive treatment to ANY animal at the Stable will not be tolerated and may result in immediate termination of any Horse Boarding Agreement.

No Smoking


Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere on the Stable property (unless you are sitting in your own vehicle with the windows rolled up). Failure to adhere to this rule may result in immediate termination of your Horse Boarding Agreement.



Please use the tack up areas with diligence and respect. These are shared spaces. Always clean up after yourself and your horse before you go to ride, and when you are finished using the space. The three stalls in the back barn are for the use of horses that live in an outdoor space.

You can use the stalls to tack up or cool down, if you wish. Please clean the stalls before you go to ride, and again after you are finished using them and the horse has been turned back outside. The staff will keep the bedding in the back stalls topped up, please do not add shavings to these stalls.

Lighting and heating costs are by far one of the greatest expenses of running a facility like this. While these amenities are available for your comfort and enjoyment, please use your discretion before turning on the lights or the heat. Always turn off the lights and turn down the heat when you are finished. Thank you for your cooperation. Any requests related to the care and services offered at the Stable must be directed to the Stable management and/or staff.


  • Do not feed your horse in the arena

  • Please pick out your horse’s feet before entering the arena

  • Please pick out your horse’s feet on the mat outside of the indoor arena when you are finished riding. This material will be swept up by the staffand returned to the arena, where our footing belongs

  • Always use standard arena etiquette when sharing the ring with others

  • When you are done riding in any of the arenas on the property, you must go back and pick up any droppings from your horse. Also, feel free to be a good neighbour and pick up for someone who is still riding to prevent the droppings from getting ground into the footing

  • You may ride through scheduled flat/dressage lessons. Please be considerate and give the right of way to those having the lesson.

  • Please exercise all common sense and horsemanship skills when sharing the riding spaces. For example, do not use your whip or your voice in a fashion that may upset another horse or put another rider in a compromising situation. Rider’s, if your horse is sensitive to a situation, please just speak up and ask for some understanding. This is a happy place for every Owner and every Horse

  • If you are the last person to use the arena, or if it looks like there is not someone preparing to go in right away, please be sure to turn o the lights, and close the doors to the arena. This helps to keep the footing moist, and in the wintertime, it helps to keep the barn warm

  • It is common courtesy to ask permission to lunge a horse while another rider is riding

  • It is common for some horses to have free time in the indoor arena. However, riding always takes precedence over time for horses to be loose. Also, please use diligence when letting your horse be loose. Do not let your horses sniffor otherwise make a mess of, or damage, the mirrors. If your horse rolls while in the arena, please take the time to rake the footing when your horse has rolled. Finally, if your horse is loose in the arena and causes damage to the Stable property, this will be repaired at the Owner’s expense.

Grounds and Property

  • By working together, this small family-run facility can be enjoyed by all Owners and guests. We hope that you will treat the space as if it were your own by:

  • Cleaning up after your horse in the alleyways, driveway, arenas, common outdoor spaces and wash rack

  • Cleaning up after loading or unloading your horse

  • Deposit any manure and/or shavings into the appropriate bins, and if that bin is getting full, maybe take a moment to dump it into the manure spreader

  • There are garbage cans and recycling bins on the property for your use

  • Please return all equipment to its designated spots after use.



As a rule, dogs are not allowed at the Stable. DO NOT bring your dog into the barn, the arena or any of the common areas of the facility. It is understood that some Owners do like to bring their dogs to the country to walk them. If you would like to take advantage of the beautiful rural environment, please exercise the utmost in responsibility for your dog. Take them away from the common areas of the facility, ensure that they are on a leash or that their recall is of absolute obedience, and always clean up any mess that your dog makes. If dogs are creating any problems for other Owners, horses, or the neighbouring property owners, they will be asked to discontinue their visits.

Contact Us


Glenhaven is a small stable with a close-knit community of horse lovers alike. We want to be your home away from home, a place to enjoy your equine partner and know that your horse is being cared for by genuine horse people.

To learn more about boarding at Glenhaven Stables, or any of our other services, please send us a message and we’ll be in touch with your shortly.